People Researching Wojtalewicz/Winner/Winter


Cuyahoga, Lorain Counties, Ohio



Bash Family Obituaries Researchers Wawzynawski

to the Archer Cousins Genealogy

to the Archer Association Genealogy





Name                      Location Researching
Larry Boyle - Cuyahoga Co. Ohio


Bash - Wojtalewicz Cuyahoga and Lorain Counties, Ohio


Jan George


Bash - Wojtalewicz Cuyahoga and Lorain Counties, Ohio


Karen Harris - California


Bash - Wojtalewicz Cuyahoga and Lorain Counties, Ohio


Nancy Hoffman


Philip Jacob Lavich - Mary Ann Wojtalewicz


Pattie Kelley - Lorain County, Ohio


Bash - Wojtalewicz Cuyahoga and Lorain Counties, Ohio


Jim Winner - Cuyahoga Co.Ohio


Bash - Wojtalewicz Cuyahoga and Lorain Counties, Ohio


Judy Niskey Bash - Niskey









Bash Family Obituaries Researchers Wawzynawski (Warnoski) Wojtalewicz (Winners)





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