Ignacy Wojtalewicz


Mierucin, Bydgoszcz, Poland




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For information on Ignacy Wojtalewicz  Family
Please Email: Nancy Hoffman


1. Ignacy Wojtalewicz
2. Frank Wojtalewicz Killed in War
2. Edwin Wojtalewicz Born: 1892
3. Bernard Wojtalewicz Born: March 3, 1923 Mierucin, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Married Maria Jamry Born: Aug 14, 1930 Mierucin, Bydgoszcz, Poland
  4. Krzystof born 1963
  4. Czeslaw born 1949
4. Lech born 1951
married Barbara (She is the one that wrote me), is deased.
2. Robert Wojtalewicz Born: June 5, 1913 Mierucin, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Died: Dec 12, 1981
Married Jadwiga Zielinska Born: Sept 18, 1922 Mierucin, Bydgoszcz, Poland. (She wrote me)
Children  Photo
3. Hieronim born Nov 21, 1942
3. Monika born June 6, 1947
3. Jadwiga born Sept 18, 1953


All my information is from Barbara Wojtalewicz and Jadwiga Wojtalewicz.
Barbara sent me a chart on her family.



Ignacy Wojtalewicz  family information submitted by: Nancy Hoffman



 If you need information or want to submit your family information.
Please Email:
Nancy Hoffman

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